PHPUnit – autoload classes within tests


I have the following structure within my project:

/app/models/ --UserTable.php


/tests -- phpunit.xml, bootstrap.php
/tests/app/models --UserTableTest.php

With the app and lib directories I have various classes that work together to run my app. To setup my tests I have create a /tests/phpunit.xml file and a /tests/bootstrap.php


<phpunit bootstrap="bootstrap.php">



function class_auto_loader($className)
  $parts = explode('\\', $className);
  $path = '/var/www/phpdev/' . implode('/', $parts) . '.php';

  require_once $path;


So I have the following test:


class UserTableTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
  protected $_userTable;

  public function setup()
    $this->_userTable = new app\models\UserTable;

  public function testFindRowByPrimaryKey()
    $user = $this->_userTable->find(1);

    $this->assertEquals($user->id, 1);

But it can't find the class when I run the test – PHP Fatal error: Class 'app\models\UserTable' not found in /var/www/phpdev/tests/app/models/UserTableTest.php on line 13

What am I doing wrong? I'm trying to understand PHPUnit configuration better so I opted to write the configuration and bootstrap file myself.

Best Answer

If you are using composer autoload


<phpunit colors="true" strict="true" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php">


<phpunit colors="true" strict="true" bootstrap="tests/autoload.php">

and in tests directory create new autoload.php with following content

include_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

$classLoader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();
$classLoader->addPsr4("Your\\Test\\Namespace\\Here\\", __DIR__, true);
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