Play a youtube video in a UIWebView inline (not fullscreen)


I have looked everywhere on how to do this and haven't found an answer yet.
Is it possible to play a youtube video in a UIWebView on an iPhone inline, i.e. not fullscreen?
I know that the iPhone doesn't support flash, but youtube supports html5 and has h.264 videos doesn't it? shouldn't I be able to do this then?

I have set allowsInlineMediaPlayback to YES, but still it plays fullscreen.

Best Answer

Yes you can, you need to set property on UIWebView


And you need to add &playsinline=1 to YouTube iframe embedding code.

 <iframe webkit-playsinline width="200" height="200" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Tested on iPhone 4S running iOS 6.1.2 works like a charm.

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