Postgresql – Change column type from character varying to timestamp without time zone in PostgreSQL


In rails I created a string column called open_time but then I realized I should use the datetime type. I did

change_column :polls, :open_time, :datetime

But it said:

PG::Error: ERROR:  column "open_time" cannot be cast to type timestamp without time zone
: ALTER TABLE "polls" ALTER COLUMN "open_time" TYPE timestamp

If I just drop the string column and add new datetime column, I will lose the data stored in the string column. Alternatively, in PostgreSQL I add column:

 ALTER TABLE polls ADD COLUMN published_time timestamp;

Then I tried to get the data from the string column like:

UPDATE polls SET published_time = strToTimeStamp(open_time);

So my question is are there any functions I can use as strToTimeStamp that can convert character varying type to timestamp without time zone type?

Best Answer

.. are there any functions I can use as strToTimeStamp that can convert character varying type to timestamp without time zone type?

Use to_timestamp() to alter the data type of the column in place.

USING to_timestamp(col, '<your pattern here>');

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Alter character field to date
Cast varchar type to date