Powershell – How to use TFS PowerShell to get list of changesets and associated work items


I'm a novice with the PowerShell and TFS cmdlets and I'm trying to retrieve a list of changesets in an area path, and their associated work items.

I've got as far as listing changesets since a certain date:

Get-TfsItemHistory "$/Project/Branch" -Version “D01/12/10~” -Recurse 

and also listing workitems since the same date:

Get-TfsItemHistory "$/Project/Branch" -Version "D01/12/10~" -Recurse | %{ $_.workitems }

Each query returns the same number of results, with the second query returning duplicate workitems. This seems promising, as there are many changesets to workitems, so I assume I'm not far off combining the results.

Best Answer

Yes, you're on the right track. Try this as a way to view workitems associated with a changeset:

Get-TfsItemHistory "$/Project/Branch" -Version "D01/12/10~" -Recurse | 
    Select ChangesetId -exp WorkItems | 
    Format-Table Id,Title -GroupBy ChangesetId -Auto