PowerShell Named Pipe: no connection


I need a named pipe to read and write.

In a program I create the pipe server using from kernel32.dll:

string PipeName = "\\\\.\\pipe\\myMT4"; 
int hPipe = CreateNamedPipeW(

The handle hPipe is valid – every things seems to be ok here!

But in a PowerShell-script I want to open a client, connect and open the writer –
and cannot connect => timed out

function connect{
    Param ([PSObject] $h)
    $h.Pipe = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream "\\.\pipe\PipeTest"
    $h.Pipe.Connect( 5000 )
    $h.Writer = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamWriter $h.Pipe, $h.Encode 

I really would prefer this way to have a similar access when reading and writen
either from/to the pipe and sockets e.g.:

function write{
    Param ([PSObject] $h, [string] $line )
  try {

What is wrong?
Thanks in advance,

It seems that the program cannot deal with pipe-servers – I have to open a pipe-client, and that works but that causes other problems:

I define for the PowerShell-pipe-server :

 $pipeName = "testpipe"
 $pipeDir  = [System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection]::InOut
 $pipeMsg  = [System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode]::Message
 $pipeOpti = [System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions]::Asynchronous
 $pipe = New-Object system.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream( 
                  $pipeName, $pipeDir, 1, $pipeMsg, $pipeOpti )
 $pipe.WaitForConnection() # 
 $sw = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $pipe
 $sw.AutoFlush = $true
 $sw.WriteLine("Server pid is $pid")

1) My first problem is now that the powerShell-pipe-server is blocked by


until a client connects but it must handle 2 different sockets independently meanwhile and

2) if the client closes the connection I was unable to tell the client to open the same pipe again and the client gets the Windows-error: ERROR_PIPE_BUSY 231

Form the program I connect to the server with the kernel32.dll-function:

 int CallNamedPipeW(string PipeName, 
           string outBuffer, int outBufferSz, 
           uint& inBuffer[], int inBufferSz, 
           int& bytesRead[], int timeOut

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Hmm, I can get named pipes to work between two different PowerShell sessions so I don't think it is an inherent PowerShell limitation:

Here is the server script:

$pipe = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream 'testpipe','Out'
$sw = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $pipe
$sw.AutoFlush = $true
$sw.WriteLine("Server pid is $pid")

Here is the client script:

$pipe = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream '.','testpipe','In'
$sr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $pipe
while (($data = $sr.ReadLine()) -ne $null) { "Received: $data" }

Client outputs:

Received: Server pid is 22836