Powershell – Scheduled Task for PowerShell Script with String Array Parameter


I've created a PowerShell script that runs perfectly from the Management Shell. I'm trying to get it setup to work in a scheduled task in Windows Server 2008 R2 and am unsure how to pass the parameters for my string array parameter.

Here is the relevant portion of my script:

        $BackupMethod = "Full",
        $RemoveOlderThanDays = 0,
        $LogKeepDays = 7,

if ($AdditionalDirectories -and $AdditionalDirectories.Count -gt 0) {
    Write-Host "  Additional Directories to be included:" -ForegroundColor Green
    $AdditionalDirectories | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Host "     $_" -foregroundcolor green

The parameter giving the trouble is that last one, $AdditionalDirectories.

From the Shell:

If I run the script from the Management Shell like this, it works perfectly:

.\FarmBackup.ps1 \\SomeServer\Backups Full 0 D:\Logs\Backups 0 "D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts","D:\SomeFolder"


   Additional Directories to be included:
      D:/Documents/PowerShell Scripts

From Scheduled Task:

Action: Start a program

Program/script: PowerShell.exe

Arguments: -File "D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts\FarmBackup.ps1" \\SomeServer\Backups Full 0 D:\Logs\Backups 0 "D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts","D:\SomeFolder"

Result: (From Log File)

  Additional Directories to be included:
     D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts,D:\SomeFolder

I've tried a couple of different methods for those parameters but I can't seem to get them to be seen as 2 separate strings in the string array. I'm hardcoding them for now, but it seems like there must be a way to make this work since it's totally valid when run from the shell.

Best Answer

Try using the -Command switch instead of the -File switch, and then use the invocation operator '&'. Here is a link to an example of doing this with scheduled tasks:


Something like:

-Command "& 'D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts\FarmBackup.ps1' '\\SomeServer\Backups' 'Full' 0 'D:\Logs\Backups' 0 'D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts','D:\SomeFolder'"

I tested this solution by creating a script with the contents:

param([string[]] $x)
Write-Host $x.Count

Then called it in the following two ways:

powershell -File ".\TestScript.ps1" "what1,what2"

with result : 1


powershell -Command "& .\TestScript.ps1 what1,what2"

with result: 2