Powershell – Verb RunAs in a Start-Process Powershell command causes an error


If I run the following command in a Poweshell script file ($cmd refers to some executable):

Start-Process -FilePath $cmd -Verb RunAs Powershell

Then it executes OK

But if I slightly modify it:

Start-Process -NoNewWindow -FilePath $cmd -Verb RunAs Powershell 

Or like this:

Start-Process -FilePath $cmd -ArgumentList @("status") -Verb RunAs Powershell 

… then the command fails with the following error message:

Start-Process : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified
named parameters.

I wonder why this format is not accepted and how should I modify the command to both specify an argument list and option "-Verb RunAs…"

Best Answer

Guessing that -NoNewWindow and -Verb RunAs cannot be combined since you can't elevate the session currently used.

Upon futher investigation you are not the only one to look into this. I read that they are incompatible here

Depending on your motivation for running it like this you could just hide the window

Start-Process "powershell" -Verb "runas" -WindowStyle hidden

You can also look into PSSessions which can handle this type of thing as well. That could start an interactive session in the same window.

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