Powershell – WebAdministration module not found


I have installed a WebServer 2008 R2 Core version and I'm trying to configure it to be remotely managed from another server in the domain I need to import the WebAdministration module According to the steps exposed in this article


using the Import-module WebAdministration it gives me the specified module 'WebAdministration' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directoryAt line1 char 14. I executed the command Get-Module -ListAvailable and returned 4 module types

BestPractices, BitsTrabsfer, PSDiagnostics and ServeManager

I read the other threads about the issue none of them is consistent and proposes a good solution to that. BTW is there a way to let the server download the requested modules form microsoft repository if not found. Any consistent proposal to solve this will be appreciated

Best Answer

Is the IIS PowerShell Snap-In installed? If not, you can download the 32-Bit version or the 64-Bit version. After you run the MSI (using msiexec /i, since this is core), the snap-in should be registered and can be invoked via import-module or

& "$env:programfiles\IIS\PowerShellSnapin\iisConsole.psc1"