PrestaShop email localization


I am developing a module for PrestaShop 1.5.

I am sending email like this(the documentation is really missing, i studied other default components and this is what i got so far)

                            $this->context->language->id, //int $id_lang
                            'template_name',//string $template
                            //Mail::l('Hello', $this->context->language->id),//string $subject
                            $this->l('Email subject'),//string $subject
                            array('{discount}' => $code,
                                  '{firstname}' => $customer['firstname'],
                                  '{lastname}' => $customer['lastname'],
                                  '{img_url}' => $img_url,
                                  '{valid_days}' => $form['days_valid']  
                            ),//string $template_vars
                            $customer['email'],//string $to
                            implode(' ', array_filter( array( $customer['firstname'], $customer['lastname']) )),
                            strval( Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL') ),//string $from
                            strval( Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME') ),//string $from_name
                            /* null,//string $from
                            null//string $from_name */
                            null,//array $file_attachment
                            $template_path//string $template_path /*__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/'.$this->name.'/mails/' */


Note i tried using

Mail::l('Hello', $this->context->language->id),//string $subject


$this->l('Email subject'),//string $subject

as the email's subject.

And i keep getting "No Subject was found for …". What the customer receive is the hardcoded string i put in the source code.

So how to get rid of this error:
enter image description here
Plus the emails are sent in apparently random language(sometimes english, sometimes italian).

Best Answer

In your module, you must use Mail::l() in the subject parameter. Here's an example of Mail::Send() for a module :

    Mail::l('test subject', $this->context->language->id),

Here how email translations is working :

AdminTranslationsController will check in "/modules/[module folder]/mails/" for the templates and in "/mails/[lang]/lang.php" for subjects. Subjects will be created when submitting translations.

If that doesn'work, maybe it's a problem with folder's rights. Open this file :


And check if there's a line like this one :

$_LANGMAIL['Email subject'] = 'translation in italian';

If not, check web server rights on this file and parent folders.

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