Prevent white space from showing on Crystal Report with suppressed page footer


I am maintaining a billing application written in ASP.NET 3.5 in VS2008. Invoices are crystal reports using the crystal reports that comes with VS2008.

The front page of my invoice has a number of graphics at the top and bottom, in particular the front page graphic footer is flush with the bottom of the page.

The customer has now requested that page footers be added to the invoice. I've added a simple page footer with page numbers and a separating line. I've also set it suppress the footer on page 1.

The problem is the space the page footer would occupying is still visible as white space on the front page, breaking the invoice layout. I have set "Reserve Minimum Page Footer" and "Suppress Blank Section" and both have no effect. From my research it appears that there is no solution in this version of crystal reports.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution that didn't require a new version of crystal reports?

Currently I've gone with adding page numbers to the page header and that works ok. I tried the recommendations, found from another SO question but that didn't work. My report doesn't display a details section. It displays the front page in the header and the details pages are sub reports in footers.

Best Answer

Suppress blank does not always work. In the Format Section properties for that section, click on the conditional suppression button (X+2) and use something like the following:

If OnFirstPage Then

That tells it to set Suppress=True on the first page.

If I misread your question, let me know. It's fixable though.

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