Primefaces tabView activeIndex issue


I have Primefaces TabView with two Tab like:

<p:tabView dynamic="true" cache="false"
           activeIndex="#{stanzaBean.activeIndex}" >

it works fine, except that when I change the Tab the activeIndex isn't updated on the Server and it returns always the default value.
I'm using primefaces 2.2.1.

Thank you.

Best Answer

Going by the PrimeFaces ShowCase example, if you give each tab an id:

<p:tabView tabChangeListener="#{indexBean.onTabChange}" >
    <p:tab title="tab 0" id="tab0"></p:tab>
    <p:tab title="tab 1" id="tab1" ></p:tab>
    <p:tab title="tab 2" id="tab2"></p:tab>               

you can get that tab id in the tabChangeListener.

public void onTabChange(TabChangeEvent event) {       
    System.out.println("tab id = " + event.getTab().getId());

Then you'll know which tab was selected.


There is an open PrimeFaces issue 1640 TabView: Wrong activeIndex in TabChangeListener, always 0 on the problem you are having.

Edit 2:

With PrimeFaces 5.0 and up the tabChangeListener is no longer available on the tabView element but should be used via an explicit ajax tag with a tabChange event.

 <p:tabView id="analysisSections" value="#{analysisBean.analysis.sections}" var="section" activeIndex="#{analysisBean.activeIndex}">
      <p:ajax event="tabChange" listener="#{analysisBean.onTabChange}"/>

Also you can directly get index of tab:

public void onTabChange(TabChangeEvent event) {
    activeIndex = ((TabView) event.getSource()).getIndex();

with all these changes, activeIndex works properly.

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