Problem with Maze Algorithm


I am having a problem with a algorithm that is designed to solve mazes.

I used an algorithm from here.


  1. if (x,y outside maze) return false
  2. if (x,y is goal) return true
  3. if (x,y not open) return false
  4. mark x,y as part of solution path
  5. if (FIND-PATH(North of x,y) == true) return true
  6. if (FIND-PATH(East of x,y) == true) return true
  7. if (FIND-PATH(South of x,y) == true) return true
  8. if (FIND-PATH(West of x,y) == true) return true
  9. unmark x,y as part of solution path
    1. return false

It is a recursive solution , i modified it such that it will continue even after finding exit so that it can find other solutions as well. It seems to work , just that it seems to find half the total number of solutions that i know are possible.

  1. if (x,y is goal) return true is changed to return false.

Anyone know what might be the problem with such an algorithm resulting in half the number of total possible solutions? I also have a problem into finding the total number of dead end paths, any suggestions on that?

Best Answer

what seems to be missing is the check if X&Y has already been marked as part of the solution, and if so we abort. (this should be somewhere on point 3.5)

If not a maze with a possible loop somewhere would run indefinately and blow up the stack

by the way, from what I read the algorithm is based on a maze with only 1 solution


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