Python – Appending more datasets into an existing Hdf5 file without deleting other groups and datasets


I have an HDF5 file which contains groups and subgroups inside which there are datasets. I want to open the file and add some datasets to the groups. I took the following approach which is quite simple in python.

    import h5py
    f = h5py.File('filename.h5','w')
    f.create_dataset('/Group1/subgroup1/dataset4', data=pngfile)

The before file looked like this

Before File Image

After File looks like this

After File Image

but I want it to not delete other datasets and groups but rather just append the dataset4 in the line.

Best Answer

Just like with the Python open() function, 'w' will truncate any existing file. Use the 'a' mode to add content to the file:

import h5py
f = h5py.File('filename.h5','a')
f.create_dataset('/Group1/subgroup1/dataset4', data=pngfile)