Python – Automatically find optimal image threshold value from density of histogram plot

histogramimage processingopencvpython

I'm looking to perform optical character recognition (OCR) on a display, and want the program to work under different light conditions. To do this, I need to process and threshold the image such that there is no noise surrounding each digit, allowing me to detect the contour of the digit and perform OCR from there. I need the threshold value I use to be adaptable to these different light conditions. I've tried adaptive thresholding, but I haven't been able to get it to work.

My image processing is simple: load the image (i), grayscale i (g), apply a histogram equalization to g (h), and apply a binary threshold to h with a threshold value = t. I've worked with a couple of different datasets, and found that the optimal threshold value to make the OCR work consistently lies within the range of highest density in a histogram plot of (h) (the only part of the plot without gaps). A histogram of (h). The values t=[190,220] are optimal for OCR

A histogram of (h). The values t=[190,220] are optimal for OCR. A more complete set of images describing my problem is available here:

My current solution, which works but is clunky and slow, checks for:

    1. There must be 3 digits
    2. The first digit must be reasonably small in size
    3. There must be at least one contour recognized as a digit
    4. The digit must be recognized in the digit dictionary

Barring all cases being accepted, the threshold is increased by 10 (beginning at a low value) and an attempt is made again.

The fact that I can recognize the optimal threshold value on the histogram plot of (h) may just be confirmation bias, but I'd like to know if there's a way I can extract the value. This is different from how I've worked with histograms before, which has been more on finding peaks/valleys.

I'm using cv2 for image processing and matplotlib.pyplot for the histogram plots.

Best Answer

Check this: link it really not depend on density, it works because you did separation of 2 maximums. Local maximums are main classes foreground - left local maximum (text pixels), and background right local maximum (white paper). Optimal threshold should optimally separate these maximums. And the optimal threshold value lies in local minimum region between two local maximums.