Python: Binding method


In following example I am trying to bind a method object via types.MethodType(…). It does not seem to work. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

import types

class Base:
    def payload(self, *args): 
        print "Base:payload"

class Drvd(Base):
    def iter(self, func):
        derived_func = types.MethodType(func, self, Drvd) # bind
        print "drvd_func:", derived_func 
        derived_func() # result:  calls Base:payload 
                       # expected:calls Drvd:payload; why???
    def payload(self, *args):
        print "Drvd:payload"

derived   = Drvd()           
base_func = Base.payload      
print "base_func:", base_func
derived.iter(base_func)  # pass unbound method object

The output shows:

base_func: <unbound method Base.payload>
drvd_func: <bound method Drvd.payload of <main.Drvd instance at 0x00B51648>>

Best Answer

You're specifically requesting the use of the underlying function (im_func) of Base.payload, with a fake im_class of Drvd. Add after the existing print in iter:

    print "w/class:", derived_func.im_class
    print "w/func:", derived_func.im_func

and you'll see the total output as:

$ python 
base_func: <unbound method Base.payload>
drvd_func: <bound method Drvd.payload of <__main__.Drvd instance at 0x24a918>>
w/class: __main__.Drvd
w/func: <unbound method Base.payload>

i.e., as you've asked, the underlying code being used is indeed Base.payload -- which is also what you observe in the call.

From Base.payload there is no direct way to get to Drvd.payload except by getting the name and using it to do a getattr on self (a Drvd instance), or equivalent.