Python – Browser Detection Python / mod_python


I want to keep some statistics about users and locations in a database. For instance, I would like to store "Mozilla","Firefox","Safari","Chrome","IE", etc… as well as the versions, and possibly the operating system.

What I am trying to locate from Python is this string;

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009090216 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.14

Is there an efficient way to use Python or mod_python to detect the http user agent/browser?

Best Answer

HTTP_USER_AGENT contains this information, and will be passed in the environment variables your application uses. In mod_python, this is expressed as:

def my_request_handler(req):
    agent = req.subprocess_env.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT")

    # `agent` now contains the full user agent of the browser, or None

It's a basic CGI thing, but this is how mod_python gives it to you.