Python – Bulk insert with SQLAlchethe ORM


Is there any way to get SQLAlchemy to do a bulk insert rather than inserting each individual object. i.e.,


INSERT INTO `foo` (`bar`) VALUES (1), (2), (3)

rather than:

INSERT INTO `foo` (`bar`) VALUES (1)
INSERT INTO `foo` (`bar`) VALUES (2)
INSERT INTO `foo` (`bar`) VALUES (3)

I've just converted some code to use sqlalchemy rather than raw sql and although it is now much nicer to work with it seems to be slower now (up to a factor of 10), I'm wondering if this is the reason.

May be I could improve the situation using sessions more efficiently. At the moment I have autoCommit=False and do a session.commit() after I've added some stuff. Although this seems to cause the data to go stale if the DB is changed elsewhere, like even if I do a new query I still get old results back?

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

SQLAlchemy introduced that in version 1.0.0:

Bulk operations - SQLAlchemy docs

With these operations, you can now do bulk inserts or updates!

For instance, you can do:

s = Session()
objects = [

Here, a bulk insert will be made.