Python – Check if a number is odd or even in python


I'm trying to make a program which checks if a word is a palindrome and I've gotten so far and it works with words that have an even amount of numbers. I know how to make it do something if the amount of letters is odd but I just don't know how to find out if a number is odd. Is there any simple way to find if a number is odd or even?

Just for reference, this is my code:

a = 0

while a == 0:
    print("\n \n" * 100)
    print("Please enter a word to check if it is a palindrome: ")
    word = input("?: ")

    wordLength = int(len(word))
    finalWordLength = int(wordLength / 2)
    firstHalf = word[:finalWordLength]
    secondHalf = word[finalWordLength + 1:]
    secondHalf = secondHalf[::-1]

    if firstHalf == secondHalf:
        print("This is a palindrom")
        print("This is not a palindrom")

    print("Press enter to restart")


Best Answer

if num % 2 == 0:
    pass # Even 
    pass # Odd

The % sign is like division only it checks for the remainder, so if the number divided by 2 has a remainder of 0 it's even otherwise odd.

Or reverse them for a little speed improvement, since any number above 0 is also considered "True" you can skip needing to do any equality check:

if num % 2:
    pass # Odd
    pass # Even