Python – Convert psycopg2 DictRow query to Pandas dataframe


I would like to convert a psycopg2 DictRow query to a pandas dataframe, but pandas keeps complaining:

curs = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
curs.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
data = curs.fetchall()

print type(data)
print pd.DataFrame(list(data))

However, I always get an error although I specifically passed a list???

<type 'list'>
TypeError: Expected list, got DictRow

The result is the same if I do pd.DataFrame(data) Could someone please help me make this work?

It would also be nice if the column names of the dataframe worked (i.e. extract DictRow and pass them to the dataframe).

Since I need to process the data, I would like to use the data from the psycopg2 query as is and not the pandas approach, e.g. read_sql_query.

Best Answer

Hmm, I eventually found this hacky solution:

print pd.DataFrame([i.copy() for i in data])

The copy() function of the DictRow class will return an actual dictionary. With the list comprehension I create a list of (identical) dictionaries, that Pandas will happily accept.

I am still puzzled why list(data) produced a TypeError. Maybe someone can still enlighten me.