Python – Detect SQL injections in the source code


Consider the following code snippet:

import MySQLdb

def get_data(id):
    db = MySQLdb.connect(db='TEST')
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID = '%s'" % id)

    return cursor.fetchall()


There is a major problem in the code – it is vulnerable to SQL injections attacks since the query is not parameterized through DB API and is constructed via string formatting. If you call the function this way:

get_data("'; DROP TABLE TEST -- ")

the following query would be executed:


Now, my goal is to analyze the code in the project and detect all places potentially vulnerable to SQL injections. In other words, where the query is constructed via string formatting as opposed to passing query parameters in a separate argument.

Is it something that can be solved statically, with the help of pylint, pyflakes or any other static code analysis packages?

I'm aware of sqlmap popular penetration testing tool, but, as far as I understand, it is working against a web resource, testing it as a black-box through HTTP requests.

Best Answer

There is a tool that tries to solve exactly what the question is about, py-find-injection:

py_find_injection uses various heuristics to look for SQL injection vulnerabilities in python source code.

It uses ast module, looks for session.execute() and cursor.execute() calls, and checks whether the query inside is formed via string interpolation, concatenation or format().

Here is what it outputs while checking the snippet in the question:

$ py-find-injection   string interpolation of SQL query
1 total errors

The project, though, is not actively maintained, but could be used as a starting point. A good idea would be to make a pylint or pyflakes plugin out of it.