Python – Developing Web Application


I am trying to self-learn developing Web applications using Python as backend. Since I am from C++ background I find difficulty in building web pages (design / implementation) and backend code associated to it – creation of CSS, HTML code, including Images, tables etc. I read about framework but have not yet used it. In actual I am a bit confused how to develop a great UI page using Python – something like page having multiple tabs, color scheme, drop box, list, graphs and other UI component / widgets – and ofcouse backend code associated to it.

Can anyone please let me know what path we should take so that the same can be made easy? I read about JQuery and believe that in computing world there are a lot of tools like that available but which combinations stands the best and .. easy to work with.

Best Answer

You can't run python in the browser. So, for web development it's used exclusively on the server side. And really it's whole purpose is to enforce your business logic and generate the markup for your site. Then the client side technologies (HTML5+Browser, Javascript and CSS) take over.

On the server-side, Django is really popular right now. It is quite robust and has a very active community behind it. I would recommend that you look at the Django tutorial. For the client side, jQuery is very popular and has a HUGE community behind it. There are many, many tutorials out there - just google "jQuery tutorial".

If you are not very good with CSS (and it sounds like you might not be), then I would personally recommend one of the grid-based CSS frameworks. They make it a lot easier to get a professional looking site. And with the responsive frameworks, then you have the added benefit of being quasi-mobile enabled. There are a bunch of them. Including one of the originals Grid 960, but again there are many. Here's a pretty good blog post on 16 of them.

As for controls/widgets, there are several to choose from. jQueryUI is very good and popular. While not as popular, Dojo is still a good option to check out. ExtJS is good, but not free. And the list goes on... YUI, etc. You will probably just want to pick one with a good community behind it and learn it.