Python – DJango: formatting json serialization


I have the following DJango view

def company(request):
    company_list = Company.objects.all()
    output = serializers.serialize('json', company_list, fields=('name','phonenumber','email','companylogo'))
    return HttpResponse(output, content_type="application/json")

it result as follows:

[{"pk": 1, "model": "", "fields": {"companylogo": null, "phonenumber": "741.999.5554", "name": "Remax", "email": ""}}, {"pk": 4, "model": "", "fields": {"companylogo": null, "phonenumber": "641-7778889", "name": "remixa", "email": ""}}, {"pk": 2, "model": "", "fields": {"companylogo": null, "phonenumber": "658-2233444", "name": "remix", "email": ""}}, {"pk": 7, "model": "", "fields": {"companylogo": null, "phonenumber": "996-7778880", "name": "remix", "email": ""}}]

my questions:
1. can i control the order of the fields
2. can i change the name of the fields
3. I was expecting to see the result with indentation in the browser i.e. instead of one long line to see something like this:

     "pk": 1, 
     "model": "", 
         "companylogo": null, 
         "phonenumber": "741.999.5554", 
         "name": "Remax", 
         "email": ""
     "pk": 4, 
     "model": "", 
        "companylogo": null,  
        "phonenumber": "641-7778889", 
        "name": "remixa", 
        "email": ""


Best Answer

you can get pretty format in this way:

return JsonResponse(your_json_dict, json_dumps_params={'indent': 2})

django doc as the first comment say