Python – How do i set the PDU mode of a modem using python sms 0.3 module


Am using python sms 0.3 module to access my modem on com port. Am trying to send an sms but am getting the following error

sms.ModemError: ['\r\n', '+CMS ERROR: 304\r\n']

When i read the Modem error codes, Error code 304 is for PDU mode, am just wondering how do i set the mode using sms 0.3

Am using a USB modem, Huawei model E220.


Best Answer

Not sure if you can do it via the SMS library, but you can do it directly by sending via the serial port to the modem.: "AT+CMGF=0" sets PDU mode for SMS messages "AT+CMGF=1" sets text mode for SMS messages "AT+CMGF?" should give the current setting