Python – How to assign sounds to channels in Pygame


I'm trying to play multiple sounds simultaneously in Pygame. I have a background music and I want a rain sound to play continuously and play ocasional thunder sounds.

I have tried the following but my rain sound stops when thunder sound is playing. I have tried using channels but I don't know how to choose which channel to sound is playing from or if two channels can be played at once.

        if random.randint(0,80) == 10:                
            thunder = var.thunder_sound                

Thank you for your help

Best Answer

Pygame's find_channel function makes it very easy to play audio on an unused channel:

sound1 = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound.wav")

Note that by default, find_channel will return None if there are no free channels available. By passing it True, you can instead return the channel that's been playing audio the longest:

sound1 = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound.wav")

You may also be interested in the set_num_channels function, which lets you set the maximum number of audio channels:
