Python – How to compare sentence similarities using embeddings from BERT


I am using the HuggingFace Transformers package to access pretrained models. As my use case needs functionality for both English and Arabic, I am using the bert-base-multilingual-cased pretrained model. I need to be able to compare the similarity of sentences using something such as cosine similarity. To use this, I first need to get an embedding vector for each sentence, and can then compute the cosine similarity.

Firstly, what is the best way to extratc the semantic embedding from the BERT model? Would taking the last hidden state of the model after being fed the sentence suffice?

import torch
from transformers import BertModel, BertTokenizer

model_class = BertModel
tokenizer_class = BertTokenizer
pretrained_weights = 'bert-base-multilingual-cased'

tokenizer = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_weights)
model = model_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_weights)

sentence = 'this is a test sentence'

input_ids = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(sentence, add_special_tokens=True)])
with torch.no_grad():
    output_tuple = model(input_ids)
    last_hidden_states = output_tuple[0]

print(last_hidden_states.size(), last_hidden_states)

Secondly, if this is a sufficient way to get embeddings from my sentence, I now have another problem where the embedding vectors have different lengths depending on the length of the original sentence. The shapes output are [1, n, vocab_size], where n can have any value.

In order to compute two vectors' cosine similarity, they need to be the same length. How can I do this here? Could something as naive as first summing across axis=1 still work? What other options do I have?

Best Answer

In addition to an already great accepted answer, I want to point you to sentence-BERT, which discusses the similarity aspect and implications of specific metrics (like cosine similarity) in greater detail. They also have a very convenient implementation online. The main advantage here is that they seemingly gain a lot of processing speed compared to a "naive" sentence embedding comparison, but I am not familiar enough with the implementation itself.

Importantly, there is also generally a more fine-grained distinction in what kind of similarity you want to look at. Specifically for that, there is also a great discussion in one of the task papers from SemEval 2014 (SICK dataset), which goes into more detail about this. From your task description, I am assuming that you are already using data from one of the later SemEval tasks, which also extended this to multilingual similarity.

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