Python – How to explicitly set samesite=None on a flask response


Due to changes arriving in Chrome during July, I need to modify my app to explicitly provide the SameSite=None key value. This is due to the RFC treating the absence of this setting in a more impacting way than if it is present but set to None.

However on the set_cookie method, the samesite parameter is defaulted to None which results in it not being written into the set-cookie. How can I force this into the set-cookie part of the response?

When I try to set the samesite=None with the following code

resp.set_cookie('abcid', 'Hello', domain=request_data.domain, path='/', samesite=None, max_age=63072000) 

This does not show any SameSite detail in the returned set-cookie

abcid=Hello; Domain=.localhost; Expires=Tue, 29-Jun-2021 22:34:02 GMT; Max-Age=63072000; Path=/

And if I try and explicitly set the value of Lax (which is one of the accepted values per rfc) as so

resp.set_cookie('abcid', "Hello", domain=request_data.domain, path='/', samesite="Lax", max_age=63072000)

I get back the set-cookie which explicitly has the SameSite=Lax setting

abcid=Hello; Domain=.localhost; Expires=Tue, 29-Jun-2021 23:03:10 GMT; Max-Age=63072000; Path=/; SameSite=Lax

I have tried None, "None", and "" but these either crash the application or omit the SameSite in the resultant response.

Any help would be gratefully received

Best Answer

Once the fix to this issue is released, you will be able to use set_cookie() like this:

from flask import Flask, make_response

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    resp = make_response('Hello, World!');
    resp.set_cookie('same-site-cookie', 'foo', samesite='Lax');
    resp.set_cookie('cross-site-cookie', 'bar', samesite='Lax', secure=True);
    return resp

While you're waiting for the release, you can still set the header explicitly:

from flask import Flask, make_response

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    resp = make_response('Hello, World!');
    resp.set_cookie('same-site-cookie', 'foo', samesite='Lax');
    # Ensure you use "add" to not overwrite existing cookie headers
    resp.headers.add('Set-Cookie','cross-site-cookie=bar; SameSite=None; Secure')
    return resp
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