How to export an IPython notebook to HTML for a blog post


What is the best way to get an ipython notebook into html format for use in a blog post?

It is easy to turn an ipython notebook into a PDF, but I'd rather publish as an html notebook.

I've found that if I download the notebook as a .ipynb file, then load it onto gist, then look at it with the ipython notebook viewer (, THEN grab the html source, I can paste it into a blog post (or just load it as html anywhere) and it looks about right. However, if I use the "print view" option directly from ipython, the source contains a bunch of javascript rather than the processed html, which is not useful since the images and text are not directly included.

The %pastebin magic is also not particularly helpful for this task, since it pastes the python code and not the ipython notebook formatted code.

EDIT: Note that this is under development; see the comments under the accepted answer.

EDIT May 2 2014: As per Nathaniel's comment, a new answer is needed for ipython 2.0

Best Answer

The right way is described in: Then you can do nbconvert -f blogger-html your_notebook.ipynb to get the html code for your post.