Python – How to implement a scripting language into a C application


I have a C application and I want to include a Scripting Language to put certain functionality into scripts. I just have no experience with that and don't know exactly where to start (Still learning C and trying to understand the application).

How does embedding and communication between my app and the scripts actually work? I think I need the interpreter for the scripting language as a library (.dll on Windows or C Source Code that can be compiled into my application)? And then can I do something like

interpreter->run("myscript", some_object);

How would the script know about the properties of the object? Say my script wants to read or modify some_object->some_field?

Are there any scripting languages that are optimized for that sort of embedding? I know that there is Lua which is popular in game dev, and languages like Python, Perl, PHP or Ruby which seem to be more targeted as stand-alone applications, but my knowledge in the deep architecture does not allow more educated guesses 🙂 (Tagged Lua and Python because they would be my favorites, but as long as it runs on x86 Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, I'm open for other scripting languages as long as they are easy to implement into a C application)

Best Answer

Here's the document from the Python website for embedding Python 2.6...