Python – How to implement a scrollbar when using grid manager on a tkinter window

gridpythonscrollbartkinteruser interface

I have a fairly large size GUI built in tkinter using the grid manager method. I need to add a scrollbar to the entire window and Im having some trouble. Here is a very crude version of a scroll-bar using the grid manager in Tkinter (i dont want to scroll the list box, i want to scroll the entire Tk window).

import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *

Tk = Tkinter.Tk
listbox = Listbox(self, width = 10, height = 60)
listbox.grid(row =0, column=0)
scrollbar = Scrollbar(self)
scrollbar.grid(sticky=E, row = 0, rowspan = 100, column = 11, ipady = 1000)

Is it possible to fix the Tkinter window size (using grid manager) and add a scrollbar which then allows the user to view additional content? The window is too large and additional content needs to be viewed so the only option i see is a scrollbar. I only see examples using the pack method. As you can probably guess I am new to Tkinter and would appreciate any input.

Thanks to all in advance.

Best Answer

You cannot scroll the entire contents of a root window, a Toplevel window, or a Frame. The solution is to put all of your widgets in a canvas, and then add a scrollbar to the canvas. There are questions on this site that give examples, such as Python Tkinter scrollbar for frame

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