Python – How to import packages in virtualenv in python shell


I'm trying to make a function to make periodical notifications to users , especially , ios mobile devices.

Specifically, I use 'Scheduled task' of pythonanywhere. (

This is my script to send notifications.

import sys,os,django
os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "project.settings"
from push_notifications.models import APNSDevice, GCMDevice
device = APNSDevice.objects.all()
if device is None:
    print('No Device')
message = 'Home Fried Potatoes, Yo-nola Bar, Soup du Jour, More...'

But at the line of 'from push_notifications.models import APNSDevice, GCMDevice'
I'm getting an error :

'ImportError: No module named 'push_notifications'

I think it's because of not importing virtualenv because push_notifications package is inside of packages of virtualenv, in mycase 'myvenv' directory.

But even though I import 'myvenv' by 'ImportError: No module named 'push_notifications'.

It makes the same error, do you have the solution for this?

UPDATE (First script , second error message)

import sys,os,django
os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "project.settings"
from push_notifications.models import APNSDevice, GCMDevice
device = APNSDevice.objects.all()
if device is None:
    print('No Device')
message = 'Home Fried Potatoes, Yo-nola Bar, Soup du Jour, More...'

['/home/lkm/folder/project/application', '/usr/lib/python3.4',

Traceback (most recent call last): File
"/home/lkm/folder/project/application/", line 9, in

from push_notifications.models import APNSDevice, GCMDevice ImportError: No module named 'push_notifications'

Best Answer

I would change the shebang to use the Python from your virtual environment.


Then you shouldn't have to append the virtual env to the python path, and you can remove the following line.


However, if you really want to manually add the virtual env directory to the Python path, then I think you want to include the site-packages directory instead:
