Python – How to revert to content of a Dijit text box when browser back-button is clicked


I am using a Dojo Textarea Dijit to input and submit text (to be processed).

I found that after submiting, if a browser back-button is pressed (IE8, Firefox) unlike regular HTML Textarea, I return to the input screen, but the Textarea is EMPTY.

What I would like to happen is that after back-button is pressed, I would return to the previous page WITH the previously written text already in the Textarea – so that I can edit it, instead of writing it all again.

Can anyone explain how I do that (and some specific code example would be appreciated).


Best Answer

You may consider using dojo.back module: to store the page's state and handle back / forward events.
However not sure if it's worth powder and shot in your case. :)

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