Python – How to see if there’s an available and active network connection in Python


I want to see if I can access an online API, but for that, I need to have Internet access.

How can I see if there's a connection available and active using Python?

Best Answer

Perhaps you could use something like this:

import urllib2

def internet_on():
        urllib2.urlopen('', timeout=1)
        return True
    except urllib2.URLError as err: 
        return False

Currently, is one of the IP addresses for Change to whatever site can be expected to respond quickly.

This fixed IP will not map to forever. So this code is not robust -- it will need constant maintenance to keep it working.

The reason why the code above uses a fixed IP address instead of fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is because a FQDN would require a DNS lookup. When the machine does not have a working internet connection, the DNS lookup itself may block the call to urllib_request.urlopen for more than a second. Thanks to @rzetterberg for pointing this out.

If the fixed IP address above is not working, you can find a current IP address for (on unix) by running

% dig  +trace 
...     300 IN  A