Python – How to use pip on windows behind an authenticating proxy


My computer is running windows behind a proxy on a windows server (using active directory), and I can't figure out how to get through it with pip (in python3). I have tried using --proxy, but it still just timeouts. I have also tried setting a long timeout (60s), but that made no difference. My proxy settings are correct, and I compared them with those that I'm using successfully in TortoiseHG to make sure.

Are there any other tricks that anyone knows of that I can try, or is there some limitation in pip with regards to windows proxies?

Update: My failed attempts involved searching pypi. I've just tried actually installing something and it worked. Searching still fails though. Does this indicate a bug in pip or do they work differently?

Best Answer

I have tried 2 options which both work on my company's NTLM authenticated proxy. Option 1 is to use --proxy http://user:pass@proxyAddress:proxyPort

If you are still having trouble I would suggest installing a proxy authentication service (I use CNTLM) and pointing pip at it ie something like --proxy http://localhost:3128