Python – Invoking python under CygWin on Windows hangs


Installing a new Windows system, I've installed CygWin and 64
bit Python (2.7.3) in their default locations (c:\cygwin and
c:\Python27\python), and added both the CygWin bin and the
Python directory to my path (in the user variable PATH). From
the normal command window, Python starts up perfectly, but when
I invoke it from bash in the CygWin environment, it hangs,
never giving my the input prompt.

I've done this on other machines, previously, but always with
older versions of Python (32 bits) and CygWin, and with Python
in a decidely non-standard location. Has anyone else had this
problem, or could someone tell me what it might be due to?

Best Answer

Try this

python -i

and yes you will find some glitches here and there !!!

Option -i forces an interactive prompt as shown in Python help python -h page here.

$ python -h
-i  : inspect interactively after running script; 
      forces a prompt even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal;
      also PYTHONINSPECT=x