Python – Location to put user configuration files in windows


I'm writing a python library that has a per-user configuration file that can be edited by the user of the library. The library also generates logging files.
On *nix, the standard seems to be to dump them in $HOME/.library_name.

However, I am not sure what to do with Windows users. I've used windows for years before switching to Linux and it seems that applications tended to either A) rely on GUI configuration (which I'd rather not develop) or B) dump configuration data in the registry (which is annoying to develop and not portable with the *nix config files)

I currently am dumping the files into the $HOME/.library_name on windows as well, but this feels very unnatural on Windows.
I've considered placing it into %APPDATA%, where application data tends to live, but this has its own problems though. My biggest concern is that lay users might not even know where that directory is (unlike %HOME/~), and user-editable configuration files don't seem to go here normally.

What is the standard location for per-user editable config files on windows?

Best Answer

The python appdirs package does a nice job of finding the standard place for application data on various platforms. E.g. for Windows it uses the English XP location:

C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Local Settings\<AppAuthor>\<AppName>

and on Linux it follows the XDG standard:
