Python – Multiple Models in a single django ModelForm


Is it possible to have multiple models included in a single ModelForm in django? I am trying to create a profile edit form. So I need to include some fields from the User model and the UserProfile model. Currently I am using 2 forms like this

class UserEditForm(ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = User
        fields = ("first_name", "last_name")

class UserProfileForm(ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = UserProfile
        fields = ("middle_name", "home_phone", "work_phone", "cell_phone")

Is there a way to consolidate these into one form or do I just need to create a form and handle the db loading and saving myself?

Best Answer

You can just show both forms in the template inside of one <form> html element. Then just process the forms separately in the view. You'll still be able to use and not have to process db loading and saving yourself.

In this case you shouldn't need it, but if you're going to be using forms with the same field names, look into the prefix kwarg for django forms. (I answered a question about it here).

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