Python – No module named MySQLdb


I am using Python version 2.5.4 and install MySQL version 5.0 and Django. Django is working fine with Python, but not MySQL. I am using it in Windows Vista.

Best Answer

You need to use one of the following commands. Which one depends on what OS and software you have and use.

  1. easy_install mysql-python (mix os)
  2. pip install mysql-python (mix os/ python 2)
  3. pip install mysqlclient (mix os/ python 3)
  4. apt-get install python-mysqldb (Linux Ubuntu, ...)
  5. cd /usr/ports/databases/py-MySQLdb && make install clean (FreeBSD)
  6. yum install MySQL-python (Linux Fedora, CentOS ...)

For Windows, see this answer: Install mysql-python (Windows)