Python – pylibftdi missing libftdi libusb on Windows install


I am trying to write a python bit-banging application to communicate with a FT232H eeprom using pylibftdi (over serial port).

I have installed the FT232H .dll using the installer provided by ftdichip (the default .dll install location is 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers'); but pylibftdi can not find libftdi or libusb.

enter image description here

An example of a pylibftdi base install on Windows would be greatly appreciated.

Note 1: I am aware of pyUSB, but this does not support Python 2.7.

Note 2: Under Linux (Ubuntu/Mint) the dependencies are installed as follows:

sudo apt-get install libftdi1
pip install pyusb

I need the equivalent for Windows 7.

Best Answer

First install the USB driver as described here

For me this meant using Zadig.exe ( to replace the FT232R USB UART driver with libusbK driver. (Remember to click options->List all devices in Zadig)

Second download libftdi. From I downloaded

Locate your Python installation.For me that was c:\Anaconda3.


copy bin64\libusb-1.0.dll c:\Anaconda3\
copy bin64\libftdi1.dll c:\Anaconda3\
copy lib64\site-packages\* c:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\


python -m pylibftdi.examples.list_devices