Python – pymongo 3.2: ConnectionFailure not working


I'm pulling my hair out trying to get pymongo to error out when code can't connect to a MongoD instance. It seems like no matter what I do the 'pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure' is not working. I've tried this on localhost and a remote mongoD instance. When I use the mongoclient shell ('mongo –host xx.xx.xx.xx') from the same system, I get the proper 'connection refused'. Other exceptions are working, but not 'ConnectionFailure.' Note that when I run tshark sniffer on mongod instance host, I see the proper TCP RST on closed port for connection refused. Mongod is not listening, but the pymongo ConnectionFailure can't catch a failed connection.

python version: 2.7.10
pymongo version: 3.2

What could I be missing, or steps to troubleshoot? In this example below, mongod is not running on localhost. I also stop it on remote host. In both instances, the exception error is not caught, and pymongo code appears to think it is connected.


import pymongo
except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure, e:
    print "Could not connect: %s" % e

Best Answer

def dbConnect():
        conn = pymongo.MongoClient(<connection URL>)
            return "Connection Successfull"
        except OperationFailure as e:
            return e
    except Exception as e:
        return e

print (dbConnect())

As MongoClient Doesn't return a valuable response that can help in connectin state this will work just fine.

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