Python – Pyusb on Windows 7 cannot find any devices


So I installed Pyusb 1.0.0-alpha-1
Under Windows, I cannot get any handles to usb devices.

>>> import usb.core
>>> print usb.core.find()

I do have 1 usb device plugged in(idVendor=0x04d8, idProduct=0x0042), and I tried usb.core.find(idVendor=0x04d8, idProduct=0x0042) but that failed too.

Under Ubuntu, with the same versions of pyusb and python (2.6), I am able to successfully find my device with that code, and communicate with it.

So how can I get pyusb to find usb devices on Windows 7?

Best Answer

Libusb requires you to install a special driver for every device you want to use it with. That usually requires you to write an .inf file containing the USB IDs of the device. Only if the driver and inf file are installed libusb will be able to "see" your device.