Python – the importance of an IDE when programming in Python


I'm a beginning Python programmer, just getting my feet wet in the language and its tools and native practices. In the past, I've used languages that were tightly integrated into IDEs, and indeed I had never before considered that it was even possible to program outside of such a tool.

However, much of the documentation and tutorials for Python eschew any sort of IDE, relying instead on powerful editors and interactive interpreters for writing and teaching the language.

  1. How important is an IDE to normal Python development?
  2. Are there good IDEs available for the language?
  3. If you do use an IDE for Python, how do you use it effectively?

Best Answer

IDEs arent very useful in Python; powerful editors such as Emacs and Vim seem very popular among Python programmers. This may confuse e.g. Java programmers, because in Java each file generally requires boilerplate code, such as a package statement, getters and setters. Python is much more lightweight in comparison.

If you're looking for an equivalent to Visual Studio or Eclipse, there is... Eclipse, with Pydev.

Emacs and Vim are very powerful and general, but have a steep learning curve. If you want to use Emacs, I highly recommend python mode; it's much better than the default Python mode.