Python – TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable – Python


I know this question has been asked before but I can't seem to get mine working. Can someone help me out with this?

import sys

class Template:
    def processVariable(self, template, data):
        first = template.find('{{')
        second = template.find('}}')
        second = second + 2
        out = template[first+second]
        out = out.strip('{}')
        rest = template[second:]
        if out in data:
            newstring = data[out]
            return(rest, newstring)
            print "Invalid Data Passed it"

t = Template()
vars = {
    'name': 'Jane',
    'course': 'CS 1410',
    'adjective': 'shimmering'

(rest, out) = t.processVariable('{{name}} is in {{course}}', vars)

This is the error I am getting:

File "", line 28, in <module>
    (rest, out) = t.processVariable('{{name}} is in {{course}}', vars)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

I understand the NoneType but is it because of my for loop or did I just miss something simple? Thanks in advance!

My code will be passed into a field so that my teacher can run a code against it and it will pass or fail. This is what his code will run:

import Candidate

t = Candidate.Template()
vars = {
    'name': 'Jane',
    'course': 'CS 1410',
    'adjective': 'shimmering'

(rest, out) = t.processVariable('{{course}} is {{adjective}}', vars)
print 'rest is: [' + rest + ']'
print 'out is : [' + out + ']

what it should return is:

rest is: [ is in {{course}}]
out is : [Jane]

it will return Yes or No if it worked.

Best Answer

You didn't return anything from your else part, and hence your function will by default return None.

Ad of course, you cannot unpack a None into two variables. Try returning a tuple from your else part like this:

if out in data:
    newstring = data[out]
    return (rest, newstring)
    print "Invalid Data Passed it"
    return (None, None)