Python – using foreachRDD and foreach to iterate over an rdd in pyspark


Questions for Spark 1.6.1, pyspark

I have streaming data coming in as like

{"event":4,"Userid":12345,"time":123456789,"device_model":"iPhone OS", "some_other_property": "value", "row_key": 555}

I have a function that writes to HBase called writeToHBase(rdd), expecting an rdd that has tuple in the following structure:

(rowkey, [rowkey, column-family, key, value])

As you can see from the input format, I have to take my original dataset and iterate over all keys, sending each key/value pair with a send function call.

From reading the spark streaming programming guide, section "Design Patterns for using foreachRDD"

It seems that its recommended to use foreachRDD when doing something external to the dataset. In my case, I want to write data to HBase over the network, so I use foreachRDD on my streaming data and call the function that will handle sending the data:

stream.foreachRDD(lambda k: process(k))

My understanding of spark functions is pretty limited right now, so I'm unable to figure out a way to iterate on my original dataset to use my write function. if it was a python iterable, i'd be able to do this:

def process(rdd):
    for key, value in my_rdd.iteritems():
        writeToHBase(sc.parallelize(rowkey, [rowkey, 'column-family', key, value]))

where rowkey would have be obtained by finding it in the rdd itself x: x['rowkey'])

How do I accomplish what process() is meant to do in pyspark? I see some examples use foreach, but I'm not quite able to get it to do what I want.

Best Answer

why do you want to iterate over rdd while your writeToHBase function expects a rdd as arguement. Simply call writeToHBase(rdd) in your process function, that's it.

If you need to fetch every record from the rdd you can call

def processRecord(record):

In processRecord function you will get single record to process.

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