Python was not found but can be installed from the Microsoft store (March, 2020)


I started watching a Python course on YouTube in which the guy giving the lesson teaches using VSCode. He started with software installation (Python & Pycharm). Then, in VSCode he downloaded the Python extension (the one made by Microsoft) and the extension called "Code Runner" to run the Python code on VSCode. When I try running my code it hits me with the following error which you can also see in the image on the link at the end of the question. I'm not able to post a screenshot of it because I'm new on this platform. Thanks to whoever sees this.

[Running] python -u "c:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\Python\"
Python was not found but can be installed from the Microsoft Store: htttps://

Screenshot of the VSCode error screen:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You don't have the command python installed into your PATH on Windows which is the default if you didn't get your copy of Python from the Windows Store. If you selected your Python interpreter in VS Code (look in the status bar), then I would disable Code Runner. That way the Python extension is what provides the ability to run Python (the Play button will be green instead of white).