QlikView “field not found” workaround for adding a new field


I am trying to get my script to reload in QlikView without success. I have added a new field (named Litres) to my most recently generated QVD files. However, my older QVD files do not have this Litres field which therefore causes the script to error out with the "Field not found" error.

I am trying to do the following:

  • Search for all the fields in the QVD
  • If the Litres field exists, then load the data into QlikView.
  • If not, create the field with a value of zero and continue.

The above should not result in an error.

My current script is below:

/* get all sales csvs */
load 2014 as Year 
AutoGenerate 0;

set FilePath = ..\..\SourceData\qv-sales*.csv;

for each File in filelist('$(FilePath)')

/* load qvd file if it is newer than csv file */

    first 1 LOAD           
    FROM $(File)
    (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ',', msq);

   IF FieldNumber('Litres' , 'temptable1') <> null then

  SET  "Litres";
  SET  "Litres LY" ;
  SET dyncode2 = P-Value;
  SET dyncode3 = O-P-Value;
  SET dyncode4 = P-Value LY;
  SET dyncode5 = O-P-Value LY;
  SET dyncode6 = P-Qty;
  SET dyncode7 = P-O-Qty;
  SET dyncode8 = P-Qty LY;
  SET dyncode9 = P-O-Qty LY;


 DROP TABLE temptable1; 

   let qvdFile = replace('$(File)','csv','qvd');

   if (QvdCreateTime('$(qvdFile)') >= FileTime('$(File)')) then

       /* load qvd file if it is newer than csv file */
       Concatenate (sales) load

         "Litres LY",
         "GP LY",
         "O-GP LY",
         $(dyncode2) as "P-Value",
         $(dyncode3) as "O-P-Value",
         $(dyncode4) as "P-Value LY",
         $(dyncode5) as "O-P-Value LY",
         $(dyncode6) as "P-Qty",
         $(dyncode7) as "P-O-Qty",
         $(dyncode8) as "P-Qty LY",
         $(dyncode9) as "P-O-Qty LY" from $(qvdFile) (qvd);


        /* create temp store key1 & key2 are manually handled synthetic keys */
        /* Dummy field is to prevent autoconcatenation problems.             */
       noconcatenate Load 

         "Litres" ,
         "Litres LY",
         "GP LY",
         "O-GP LY",
         $(dyncode2) as "P-Value",
         $(dyncode3) as "O-P-Value",
         $(dyncode4) as "P-Value LY",
         $(dyncode5) as "O-P-Value LY",
         $(dyncode6) as "P-Qty",
         $(dyncode7) as "P-O-Qty",
         $(dyncode8) as "P-Qty LY",
         $(dyncode9) as "P-O-Qty LY",

         autonumber(1) as dummy1  
       FROM $(File) (ansi, txt, delimiter is ',', embedded labels); 

        /* create qvd file from temp table */
        if (ScriptErrorCount = 0) then
          Store temptable into $(qvdFile);

        concatenate("sales") load

         "Litres LY",
         "GP LY",
         "O-GP LY"  
         "P-Value LY",
         "O-P-Value LY",
         "P-Qty LY",
         "P-O-Qty LY" 
         resident temptable;

        /* drop temp table */

          DROP TABLE temptable;


next File  

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You can use the FieldNumber function to determine whether a field exists in a table. For example FieldNumber('MyField', 'MyTable') returns the position of MyField within MyTable. If MyField does not exist in MyTable the function returns zero.

You can adapt this to your advantage by loading all fields from your QVD into a temporary table and then checking to see if this table contains the field. If it does, you can continue loading. If not, you can simply set the field to zero.

I have adapted your script and inserted an IF for this purpose:

/* get all sales csvs */
load 2014 as Year 
AutoGenerate 0;

set FilePath = ..\..\SourceData\qv-sales*.csv;

for each File in filelist('$(FilePath)')

    /* load qvd file if it is newer than csv file */   
    first 1 LOAD           
    FROM $(File)
    (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ',', msq);

    IF FieldNumber('Litres' , 'temptable1') <> null then
        SET  "Litres";
        SET  "Litres LY" ;
        SET dyncode2 = P-Value;
        SET dyncode3 = O-P-Value;
        SET dyncode4 = P-Value LY;
        SET dyncode5 = O-P-Value LY;
        SET dyncode6 = P-Qty;
        SET dyncode7 = P-O-Qty;
        SET dyncode8 = P-Qty LY;
        SET dyncode9 = P-O-Qty LY;

DROP TABLE temptable1; 

let qvdFile = replace('$(File)','csv','qvd');

if (QvdCreateTime('$(qvdFile)') >= FileTime('$(File)')) then

    /* load qvd file if it is newer than csv file */
    FIRST 1
    FROM $(qvdFile) (qvd);

    if FieldNumber('Litres','fieldcheck') = 0 then

        drop table fieldcheck;

        Concatenate (sales) load
        0 as "Litres",
        0 as "Litres LY",
        "GP LY",
        "O-GP LY",
        $(dyncode2) as "P-Value",
        $(dyncode3) as "O-P-Value",
        $(dyncode4) as "P-Value LY",
        $(dyncode5) as "O-P-Value LY",
        $(dyncode6) as "P-Qty",
        $(dyncode7) as "P-O-Qty",
        $(dyncode8) as "P-Qty LY",
        $(dyncode9) as "P-O-Qty LY" from $(qvdFile) (qvd);


        drop table fieldcheck;

        Concatenate (sales) load
        "Litres LY",
        "GP LY",
        "O-GP LY",
        $(dyncode2) as "P-Value",
        $(dyncode3) as "O-P-Value",
        $(dyncode4) as "P-Value LY",
        $(dyncode5) as "O-P-Value LY",
        $(dyncode6) as "P-Qty",
        $(dyncode7) as "P-O-Qty",
        $(dyncode8) as "P-Qty LY",
        $(dyncode9) as "P-O-Qty LY" from $(qvdFile) (qvd);


        /* create temp store key1 & key2 are manually handled synthetic keys */
        /* Dummy field is to prevent autoconcatenation problems.             */
       noconcatenate Load 

         "Litres" ,
         "Litres LY",
         "GP LY",
         "O-GP LY",
         $(dyncode2) as "P-Value",
         $(dyncode3) as "O-P-Value",
         $(dyncode4) as "P-Value LY",
         $(dyncode5) as "O-P-Value LY",
         $(dyncode6) as "P-Qty",
         $(dyncode7) as "P-O-Qty",
         $(dyncode8) as "P-Qty LY",
         $(dyncode9) as "P-O-Qty LY",

         autonumber(1) as dummy1  
       FROM $(File) (ansi, txt, delimiter is ',', embedded labels); 

        /* create qvd file from temp table */
        if (ScriptErrorCount = 0) then
          Store temptable into $(qvdFile);

        concatenate("sales") load

         "Litres LY",
         "GP LY",
         "O-GP LY"  
         "P-Value LY",
         "O-P-Value LY",
         "P-Qty LY",
         "P-O-Qty LY" 
         resident temptable;

        /* drop temp table */

          DROP TABLE temptable;


next File  
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