Qmake – x64 makespec for x64 Visual Studio solution


We're currently using qmake and .pro files to create projects for Visual Studio 2008, but the default solution platform is Win32. Every time the projects are rebuilt, I have to manually change the platform to x64 by going into the configuration manager and copying settings from the Win32 solution.

I have not been able to find online/QT forums a way to automatically create a VS2008 solution configured for a x64 build. Do I need to create my own makespec for QT? Do I need to specify x64-specific VS flags? Does anyone have an example they can post which they've successfully used for creating x64-spec projects?

Best Answer

This is a known issue. There are a couple of relevant bugs in the Qt bugtracker: QTBUG-6910 and QTBUG-4046. This second entry also has a link to a patch that you can use if you are building Qt yourself. Vote for those bugs to be fixed to increase the visibility of this issue.