Qt – Close Widget Window if mouse clicked outside of it


This is sort of a chicken and egg problem. I'd like my widget window to be closed when the mouse clicks outside. As I understand it, there will be no mouse events for my widget for a click occurring outside of it. There is a SetFocus slot, but where is its counterpart or focus loss? "focusOutEvent" doesn't get called for my class.

My widget window is a child window of a widget always shown on my main window and it's a "Qt::ToolTip", so I assume some problems could arise from that fact. Any way around that?

My Goal: I have a custom toolbar widget where buttons on it may have “drop down” widgets. These drop down widgets have no standard windows frame. I don’t want them to “steal” caption focus from the main window and I want them to disappear as soon as the user clicks ANYWHERE on the screen outside of their region. I have having serious difficulties finding a strategy that’s not compromise on Qt to get this done.

Am I missing something? (bet I am).

Best Answer

I used:

setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Popup);

This seems to work well on OSX and Windows. My window appears correctly, does not steal the focus from my main window's caption, and the focus loss event is called correctly as soon as I click outside of it.

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