Qt – How to set a compiler in Qt


I'm totally new with Qt and I downloaded the offline version " Qt 5.3.2 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2013, OpenGL, 573 MB)"

I'm unable to compile my project.

I have:

Qt Creator 3.2.1 (opensource)
Based on Qt 5.3.2 (MSVC 2010, 32 bit)

In my Build & Run, I have,
For the kit: Desktop Qt 5.3 MSVC2013 OpenGL 64bit
For Qt version: Qt 5.3 MSVC2013 OpenGL 64bit

and there is nothing for the compilers tab. I don't know what I should put in that section. What did I miss?

I got the following error message while trying to compile my project:

14:44:12: Configuration is faulty. Check the Issues view for details.

Error while building/deploying project TextFinder (kit: Desktop Qt 5.3

MSVC2013 OpenGL 64bit) When executing step "Make"


Qt creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in
the kit options.

Best Answer

Go to Tools->Options->Build & Run and on the Compilers tab click Add to add a new compiler. You can also manage kits on the Kits tab. Don't forget to setup qmake on the Qt Versions tab.

Also if you want the MSVC version of Qt you need to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or 2013 depending on the version of Qt you use.

If you are a beginner I recommend you download the MinGW version from qt-project.org and everything should work just fine.

MinGW versions use the windows versions of GCC while VS uses Microsoft's compiler.

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