Qt – top level widget with keyboard and mouse event transparency

desktop applicationevent handlingqt

I want an app's main window to ignore mouse and keyboard events, passing them to applications underneath it in the window manager Z-order.

I see how to make child widgets ignore keyboard or mouse events, but how about the main window?

I'm trying to make a desktop widget that always sits just over the background and is totally invisible to keyboard and mouse events. (Pass through)

Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint gets me keyboard pass through (although sadly X11 specific, but fine for now), so how about mouse events?

Is there a OS-agnostic way to be transparent to keyboard events?


The key word here is transparency.

I don't want to EAT mouse and keyboard events, I want the window manager to know I don't want them at all. Those events should be directed to whatever application is under me in the zorder.

For example, I want to be able to click on desktop icons that are covered by my widget and interact with them as if the widget was not there.

Best Answer

I found the following solution (tested on Linux, also works on Windows according to @TheSHEEEP):

setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::WindowTransparentForInput);

It has been added in more recent qt release (i did not find when) see http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt.html

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