QTCreator copy files to output directory with INSTALLS


I have two sub directories docroot and config in my Qt project. Files in these directories shall be copied to the build directory whenever I build / debug the project.

As of https://stackoverflow.com/a/3991210/356726 this is possible by using INSTALLS (QtDoc), which seems to be much easier than running copy command (e.g here). A similar approach is described here.

config.path    = $${DESTDIR}/config
config.files   = config/*
docroot.path   = $${DESTDIR}/docroot
docroot.files  = docroot/*
INSTALLS       += config docroot

However, when I run a build in Qt Creator nothing happens. This here says I need to run make install . Can I somehow trigger / do this from within Qt Creator automatically whenever I build. I would need always the latest version of the files.

EDIT: Eventually I have used $$OUT_PWD instead of $$DESTDIR

Original comment from Logan here:
"Just a note: I used $$OUT_PWD instead of $$DESTDIR to make it work. For reference $$OUT_PWD is the folder that the program is built to, and $$PWD is the folder that the program is Being built from -in other words it's where the .pro file is."

Best Answer

What you need is a custom build step.

  1. Switch to Projects Mode: press Ctrl+5.
  2. On Build Settings tab under Build Steps click on Add Build Step.
  3. Choose Make from the menu.
  4. Write install into Make arguments: text input box.

(The version where I checked these is Qt Creator 2.4.1.)

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